Piston Single Aircraft
- SOLD2012 TomarkAero Viper SD4
Great LSA/UL for everyday flying, nice condition.
- SOLD2010 Aero-East-Europe MXP-155 Tayrona
New propeller | Never used for flight school or training
- SOLD2008 Cirrus SR22 G3
Turbo Normalized
- SOLD2005 Apollo Fox
Great combination of speed and stol capacity
- 160 000 EUR2017 Van's RV-8
Low Hours - Aerobatic approved - Always Hangared
- SOLD1957 Piper PA-18 Super Cub
Always hangered & immaculately maintained
- 89 000 EUR2016 Zlin Aviation Savage Cruiser
Savage Bobber Fantastic STOL aircraft | Oratex | Rotax 914
- SOLD2008 Asso Aerei IV Whisky
Advanced ultralight with retractable gear
- 33 000 EUR1986 HB-Flugtechnik Brditschka HB-23/2400 Hobbyliner
Single Owner | New 4-Blade Propeller & New Drive Belts
- 68 000 GBP1967 Cessna (Reims) F172H
Engine Zero Timed by Gama Aviation 2022
- SOLD1993 Aviasud Engineering Albatros AE209
Ultralight cat. 450kg. - Folding wings
- SOLD1984 Cessna 172P
Annual check completed in June 2022
- 90 000 EUR1977 Pitts S-2A
Always hangared. Newly overhauled Engine TSOH 138hr
- SOLD1979 Cessna (Reims) F172N
Well maintained, always hangared airplane.
- 75 000 EUR2012 Remos GX
Folding wings | Second owner | BRS included
- 290 000 EUR2007 Cessna 172S
Perfect for club, private or flight school
- 1 100 GBP1977 Slingsby T-61F Venture T Mk2
1/10th share | Well maintained | Friendly syndicate
- 64 995 GBP1974 Cessna (Reims) F150L
Ideal for building hours and flight training
- 65 000 EUR1989 Yakovlev Yak-52
One of few in original condition! Low timer!
- 58 000 EUR1975 Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee Archer
Always Hangered
- Price: Inquire1943 Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX
Remarkable aircraft with WWII combat history
- 1 600 000 GBP1958 Hispano Aviación HA-1112-M1L Buchon
Aircraft is in immaculate condition with film star status
- Price: Inquire1955 North American T-28B Trojan
One of the nicest T-28’s flying in the world today
- Price: Inquire1953 Canadian Car & Foundry Harvard Mk IV
This stunning Harvard IV has a complete and rich history
- 14 000 EUR2010 Rans S-9 Chaos
Aerobatic for a small cost
- 80 000 EUR2010 Steen Aero Skybolt
Unique 2-seat aerobatic biplane
- 119 000 EUR2011 Asso Aerei IV Whisky
A great homebuilt/kit plane with modern avionics
- 135 000 NOK1979 American Champion, Bellanca 8KCAB Super Decathlon
1/6th share | Great aerobatics aircraft | Based on ENTO
- 59 500 EUR1986 Gyroflug SC-01-B Speed Canard
Fully certified and factory built | New engine!
- 46 000 EUR1963 Cessna 150C
Good trainer and for building hours